Cato Institute
Quicktabs: Organization

With Sen. John Kerry tapped to be the next secretary of state, continuity is likely for most policies. This includes pressing for ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST). It’s a bad idea, as the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea has helpfully reminded Americans.
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"Dragging America into Court: Law of the Sea And Global Litigation" — Bandow, Doug — Cato Institute — March 19, 2012
The author argues against U.S. ratification of UNCLOS, writing that the treaty’s most dangerous aspect is "creating a 'dynamic and evolving body of law.' America already is paying the price for far too much and too expansive litigation domestically. The U.S. Senate should say no to LOST."
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Doug Bandow argues against ratifying the Law of the Sea, arguing that the treaty "is a flawed document, and there would be serious costs from accepting it."
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