Arctic Strategy
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Canada and the US should be taking a more active role in the development of the Arctic, two of those countries’ most prominent think-tanks conclude in recent reports.
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As global warming melts Arctic ice, the region is being opened to increased commercial activity like shipping, mining and drilling. And along with human activity comes foreign policy and military strategy. Strategists in the Navy and throughout the government are scrambling to put policies in place, develop technology and create a plan of action for this burgeoning region of commercial activity.
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As the U.S. and E.U. keep a very close eye on the situation with Russia and Ukraine, Russia is also increasing its presence and influence elsewhere: the Arctic – a melting region that is opening up prime shipping lanes and real estate with an estimated $1 trillion in hydrocarbons. With the opening of two major shipping routes, the North Sea route and the Northwest Passage, the potential for economic competition is fierce, especially among the eight members of the Arctic council: Canada, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Russia, and the United States.
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The author argues that main source of "global energy reserves and geopolitical tensions could shift in the not-too-distant future from the Middle East to the Arctic" and argues for a robust U.S. military presence and strategy in the Arctic to defend U.S. interests.
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The U.S. military is looking for ways to expand operations in the vast waters of the Arctic, as melting ice caps open sea lanes and other nations such as Russia compete for lucrative oil and gas deposits. But the effort will take money and resources to fill the broad gaps in satellite and communications coverage, add deep-water ports and buy more ships that can withstand the frigid waters or break through the ice.
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The Pentagon on Friday unveiled a broad-ranging Arctic strategy that calls for examining new types of naval equipment and infrastructure needed in the region over several decades.
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