Brookings Institution
Quicktabs: Organization

The author lists a few policy recommendations or questions that need to be answered regarding U.S. Arctic strategy if the U.S. wants to "stay ahead of or even keep pace with our foreign rivals, remain globally competitive, or provide global leadership and influence in this critical region."
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The author argues that as the economic basis for Russia's expansion into the Arctic evaporates, the real motive -- to shore up domestic confidence in a failing economy wrought by sanctions -- becomes more apparent.
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For the first time, the United States government has come out publicly with an explicit statement that the so-called “nine-dash line,” which the People's Republic of China (PRC) and Taiwan assert delineates their claims in the South China Sea, is contrary to international law. The author considers next steps the U.S. can take to help resolve the South China Sea conflict, including ratifying UNCLOS to encourage consistency with the rule of law.
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The author argues that the U.S. should ratify the Law of the Sea agreement, finding that " the mini-debate over the last month about the Law of the Sea treaty reflects a generalized concern about multilateral organizations far more than specific concerns about this agreement."
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